Since we’re looking to move away from a certain other social media platform because Elon Killed the Blue Bird, we’ve finally created an Instagram feed. You can find us at:
We know that you’ve been absolutely clamoring for the next episode (shhh, just let us have this), and we’re eager to get it to you. But we learned a couple of days ago that our opening/closing credits are outdated (more even than we thought when we first found out), and so we’re arranging for them to be re-recorded.
Let me pull back the curtain a little bit: The intro and outro for the show were recorded exactly once, and we just use it over and over again. Sean and I record the show, then during the post-production phase, it gets tacked on, along with the other piece we use when we break between show halves. We record episodes a couple of months ahead of release, so for a little while my opening and closing dialog may sound a little awkward because I’ll be patching in new audio as well. It’s a little bit of a process that we’re all going through in our own ways.
This was a chunk of Episode 35 that went off-topic and we decided to cut it for time, but also thought most of what was said was actually kind of important.
Also, we both made a mistake regarding Cecil B. DeMille near the end of the clip, so Claude took the opportunity to eat crow on behalf of both of us.
At any rate, we present you with this Bonus audio, to keep your appetite whetted until Reel 36 drops. Enjoy!
You might have noticed that the website hasn’t been getting updated, even though new episodes have been coming through for the past few weeks.
We’ve been having a weird issue with GoDaddy, our website provider, and after spending literally hours on the phone with them (most of it on hold), we realized that we weren’t getting anywhere with them and we made the decision to migrate the site to another host.
At your end it probably doesn’t look any different from the way it looked previously, given that both locations are powered by WordPress, but it does look a little different at our end, so we hope you’ll excuse the dust while we get used to a slightly different interface. (This is also why we had to return to the previous theme–the new one wasn’t behaving correctly.)
In the next couple of days we’ll be putting up the links to Reels 34, 35 and 35a (the bonus audio), and by this time next week you’ll be able to see a brand new post for Reel 36, thus getting everyone caught up.
For those of you who have been listening to the show and missing these amazing show notes, we thank you for hanging in there with us. But don’t be too disappointed by the fact that the show notes won’t be remarkably different from the ones we give to Anchor, the host for the RSS feed (which hasn’t changed).
Still with us? I hope so. We’ve been having some ridiculous technical issues that have us rethinking our podcasting host, but those seem to be straightened out for the time being and we’ll be back on track with a new episode tomorrow evening. I hope we’re still cool.
In the meantime, Sean offers up a little contrition for you. See, he’s good enough at this that he can correct me in real time, but he has to go back and fix HIMSELF later on. He writes:
This is your other co-host, Sean. I discovered a couple of errors I’d like to correct, as well as apologize for. Both of them are from our podcast on the first two Godfather movies.
The first is, when I talked about the films Gordon Willis shot in the 70’s, I mentioned All the President’s Men, but incorrectly said it won Best Picture, when it was only nominated for it (it lost to Rocky).
Secondly, when talking about how directors of the late 60’s/early 70’s sometimes quarreled with cinematographers of the studio system about how to light particular scenes, I mentioned Bonnie & Clyde, but misidentified the cinematographer; it was actually Burnett Guffey, not Robert Surtees (Surtees served as the cinematographer on the other major “new Hollywood” movie of that year, The Graduate, and unlike Guffey, was happy to comply with the director’s wish to try out new things, including using less light).
I apologize for both errors; I should have known better.
We were going to have Sean severely beaten, but he’s already taken to wearing a haircoat and self-flagellating, so there’s not much else we can throw on the pile.